How To Grow Passion Vines

Passion Vines are extraordinary looking plants and are primarily natives of South America. Passion Vines produce what are called Passion Flowers, which are historically and culturally significant. The Passion Flowers were given their name by Catholic missionaries who believed that the characteristics of the flowers resembled that of the Passion of Christ. Over time, many regions including the United States, New Zealand and Africa have begun to cultivate Passion Vines for the fruit, which has become highly commercialized for its fruit quality and health benefits.

Passion Vines come in 400 species which bloom during springtime and some of the varieties that are best for planting include the Passiflora Edulis, Passiflora incarnata, Passiflora alatrocaerulea, and Passiflora vitifolia. You can grow Passion Vines from nursery purchased plants, or grow your own from seeds. To grow these beautiful flowering vines into the healthiest plants, it is important to take proper care of them.

Preparing to Plant

The origins of most Passion Vines have been in frost-free climates, including the Golden (Yellow) Passion fruit and the Purple Passion fruit, which are the most popular ones for consumption across the world. It is a good idea to provide some afternoon shade for the more tropical varieties. These plants are quite notable for their fast growth and their tendency to climb all over the place. Therefore, it is important to plant the seeds near a chain link fence, trellis or some other type of support. This will give the vines something to climb and will give the plants support.

The soil must have good drainage, as soggy roots can rot, killing the vine. Drainage is actually one of the most important aspects of planting Passion Vines so that they are not sitting in soil that is too wet.

To prepare the soil, till in a thick layer of organic material into your planting area. These plants work well with almost any soil but can require fertilizing a few times a year, including early spring when the plants will start to grow. The following sections will provide guidelines on how to either grow Passion Vines from seed, or from nursery plants.