Yellow Passion Flowers

Yellow passion flower seeds and plants for sale from around the world are listed here, when available. If you don’t see any listings, please select a nearby country from the drop down list below. Clicking on the links below will open a detailed description of the Yellow Passion Flower seeds for sale in a new … Read more

Red Passion Flowers

Red passion flower vines have the same care requirements of most other passion vines. The flowers have beautiful red petals and are truly striking in the garden. Clicking on the links below will open a detailed description of the Red Passion Flower seeds for sale in a new window on eBay.

White Passion Flowers

White passion flower vine seeds and plants for sale. White passion flowers range in size from about 4 inches (~100 mm) across to about 1/4 of an inch across. Some have beautiful fragrances and others have no scent. The bright white color of these passion flowers makes them look delicate and pure.

Gardening Tools

Gardening tools the can make your gardening chores easier. A good set of tools to work with can make it much easier to care for your passiflora. A nice pruner can make easy work of taming and aggressive passion vine. Clicking on the links below will open a detailed description of the gardening tools for … Read more

Purple Passion Flowers

Purple Passion Flower vines and seeds for sale from around the world. From light lavender passion flowers to deep, dark purple passion flowers, these passion vines are sure to please. Many purple passion flowers, such as the Incense Passion Vine, have an amazing fragrance that will fill your yard. Clicking on the links below will … Read more

Sprouting Seeds

Growing Passion Vines from Seeds The best time to sow Passiflora seeds is in the winter so that you can transplant them into the garden by spring. Passion Vine seeds can be purchased in a packet from a nursery or be taken straight off the fruit. If you use the seeds from the fruit, make … Read more

How To Grow Passion Vines

Passion Vines are extraordinary looking plants and are primarily natives of South America. Passion Vines produce what are called Passion Flowers, which are historically and culturally significant. The Passion Flowers were given their name by Catholic missionaries who believed that the characteristics of the flowers resembled that of the Passion of Christ. Over time, many … Read more